Which Salt Should be used?It is very important to use the correct salt for Jala Neti. It must be pure, non-iodised and should be as free from harmful...
Zell FAQ with our Nutritional Therapist and Kinesiologist
We are regularly receiving the following queries about our Zell products. So we thought we would put this FAQ together to help you! Danielle is a...
Nasal Cleansing (Jala Neti)
Each day people all over the world awake to their own personal cleansing routine. Quite often, though, the inside of the body is not considered. The...
Magnesium - It's Importance and How to Make Magnesium Oil for Less Than £1 a Bottle!
Lloyd and Danielle discuss the importance of Magnesium, showing evidence from Hair Mineral Tests how the majority of us are deficient, and the most...