Toxic Stripes in the Sky

There are 2 types of trails left by aeroplanes.

One type are called contrails – these dissipate quite quickly and are caused by the condensation from the engine.

The second stay in the sky, polluting our air with toxic chemicals such as aluminium, boron, mold spores to name but a few. These are called Chemtrails.

There are much controversial theories as to why these chemtrails are being sprayed into our air but 2 things are for certain:

1. They are NOT the normal functioning of the jet engine- they are purposefully sprayed.

2. The substance being sprayed is toxic.

Whether it is vaporised toxic waste, radiation protection to block ‘harmful’ sun rays, weather control experiments or something else, the simple fact is they are harming our health, polluting the air we breathe and shielding valuable vitamin D from the sun.

I have compiled a blog with my husband as we have built a “Chembuster” which is working really well at clearing the chemtrails from our local skies. If you want more information on this please see my article on my website entitled “Making a Chembuster” by clicking HERE