About our business
We offer retail, wholesale and therapies from our unit in Bedwas, near Caerphilly, South Wales.
We are a small family-run business, which grew from a dream that co-founder, Danielle, had one night! We started as a small online shop, officially opening in August 2004. By the end of 2004 the website had become such a success that her husband, Lloyd, became a partner and together decided to open a shop in the village Square of their home town, Senghenydd, an ex-mining village in the South Wales valleys.
In October 2009 we moved to a larger warehouse and Trade Centre premises in Bedwas, near Caerphilly where we expanded into wholesale as well as retail. This was a large warehouse and in July 2011 we decided to downsize, remaining in Bedwas and moving to 2 smaller units just around the corner. Sadly this meant our shop front had to be sacrificed, but the mail order side of the business remains and we continue to have stands at festivals and health shows. If you wish to visit us to view products, collect orders or receive advice you may do so but we may not be able to prepare aromatherapy items at busy times (after 3pm).
About us
Shop Holistic was founded by Danielle and Lloyd Bryant.
Danielle is a Reiki Master/Teacher, Kinesiologist, Reflexologist, Yoga Teacher, Angel Practitioner, Nutritional Therapist and is also qualified in Homeopathy and Holistic Diagnosis.
Lloyd is a Reiki practitioner and is currently studying for a diploma in Nutritional Therapy. He is also a gifted computer programmer and web designer and (with the artistic help of Danielle!) he has programmed and now maintains all of our websites.
We have a very keen interest in everything we feature in our shop. Most of our products have been tried and tested by friends and family, and many are regularly used by ourselves, our staff and our children. Please feel free to email for information.
About our therapy services
In Mid-2006, Holistic Valley Yoga and Healing Centre was opened above our Senghenydd shop featuring a Therapy room and a small Group Meeting room. Danielle (Dani) now offers Consultations and therapies from 'Lotus Therapy Centre' which is located above our warehouse. Dani also runs day Angel workshops, and weekend workshops such as Reiki Training & Yoga Retreats at various locations in South Wales.
The Shop Holistic Family Business
As we have continued to grow, there have been some additions to the Shop Holistic family. Beth, Danielle & Lloyd's daughter, is Customer Services Supervisor, and Joanne (who worked for us when we were in Senghenydd and has now returned) works in Pack & Despatch. So we are a true family business, and together we are all working hard to make your Shop Holistic experience as stress-free, easy and enjoyable as possible while still remaining great value for money.
Our mission is to promote awareness of alternative and complimentary health and well-being to our customers, and to offer a good range of products for facilitating this at prices that are affordable to all. In this way we hope to bring the opportunity of improved health and longevity to all. Our wish is to enhance everyone's life with well-being in body, mind and spirit, to provide a high level of service and offer help, support and guidance in any way we can. Though this mission has been inhibited more recently with growing restrictive EU legislation, we aim to be as helpful as we are legally able.
Our aim is to be the BEST - not the BIGGEST. Sadly, many companies continually strive to be the 'biggest' in their field and in our experience we feel that in doing this, they lose their personal touch. We do not want this to happen to us - our customers and service to our customers will ALWAYS be top of our priorities. If our company grows larger, then it will do so naturally, (and holistically!)
Our Prices - our prices are based on what we feel is a fair price, the price that WE would pay for the products if we were to shop for them ourselves (which sometimes means a very small profit margin for us!). We buy in as much bulk as we can, and pass savings on to you when we receive a special offer from a supplier. We are careful when selecting our suppliers as quality, ethical & environmental issues are dear to our hearts and we are willing to pay more for our products to ensure our high standards are met.
If you have any questions please email us, and we sincerely hope you enjoy browsing our shop!
With Love and Light,
Danielle and Lloyd Bryant
We would gratefully receive any feedback about our service, or reviews on products, including tips, advice and personal experiences of holistic products by email. We will make these comments available for others to read on the site.
PLEASE NOTE: as of November 2017 we have been required to remove a lot of information from our website including useful tips on using our products and what they can be used for. This is due to restrictive EU regulations and enforcement by Trading Standards authorities. We hope this will change favourably upon our exit from the EU.