A high Quality Natural Zeolite (CLINOPTILOLITE). 25 micron grade (vast majority (over 89%) passes through a 25 micron (0.025mm) sieve). A far finer powder than our 300micron grade zeolite, some may refer to this fineness of powder as 'micronized'.
Zeolites are natural porous alumo-silicates which have crystalline structure. Clinoptilolite is the most abundant member of the 48 minerals in the zeolite group. Its approximate empirical formula is (Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na)3-6Si30Al6O72.24H2O. Typical mineralogical composition: 89% Clinoptilolite, minor amounts of other zeolites, cristobalite and tridymite.
Zeolites have almost all the elements of the Periodic Table.
In Russia and the United States zeolite (clinoptilolite) is used in the production of food supplements. In some other countries (e.g. Cuba) clinoptilolite has been used to produce an anti-diarrhoea medicine. In Russia, clinoptilolite has been included into a group of entero-donor-sorbents. In Chernobyl zeolite was used in the process of decontamination of the environment and the people from radiation.
Properties: Due to the EU Health Claims Directive we are unable to give information on properties or usage of zeolite for humans or animals.
It is widely used for water purification, in fish tanks and water filters and general decontamination due to its high absorbancy.
We are happy to provide you with the typical chemical data of the product.
Sold in food grade tubs. Also available in 15kg sacks from our wholesale website (http://www.holisticwholesale.co.uk/index.php?cat_id=31)
Data sheets available from Holistic Valley Website (http://www.holisticvalley.co.uk/)
Country of Origin: Turkey
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