Mini Crystal Directory
Here is an alphabetical list of Crystals (by no means ALL crystals!) along with some of their properties. Crystals are in no way meant to substitute general health care and should only be used to compliment any treatment.
ABALONE Confidence Spirituality Heart, Muscles, Digestion
ACTINOLITE Responsibility Industry Inflammations, Liver
AGATE Competition Eloquence Fevers, Gums, Circulation Aids competitors in all sporting events, particularly athletes. Also assists eloquence and writing.
AGATE BLUELACE Composure Growth Infections, Inflammations, Fevers A stone bestowing calmness on the wearer, removing anger and irritation in its presence
AGATE BOTSWANA Understanding, Recovery, Toxins, Recuperation, Heart
AGATE GREYLACE Energy Balance Recuperation, Vitality
AGATE TREE Co-ordination Management Chest/stomach
ALBITE see Moonstone
ALEXANDRITE Growth, Investment, Nerves
ALLOPHANE Balance, Sociability, Glands, Eyes
ALMANDINE Affection, Inspiration, Heart, Eyes
AMAZONITE Clarity, Insight, Nerves, Emotions, Growth. A benefit to students as it assists clarity of thought and insight.
AMBER Chest, Depression Uplifting, relieving worries and stress and imparting fresh optimism. Protects against radiations from equipment and machines. Not essentially a crystal but a tree resin!
AMESITE Intuition, Fortune, Energy, Recuperation
AMETHYST Moderation, Devotion, Insomnia, Addictions, Neuralgia, Acne. One of the most popular gemstones, it promotes peace and tranquility and ‘softens’ any negative feelings. Also reduces electrical energies and ideal to place near computers, TVs, Kitchen and other appliances.
AMETRINE Resolution, Teaching, Teeth, Metabolism
ANDALUSITE Moderation, Enlightenment, Memory, Sight
ANGELITE Bravery, Fortune, Headaches, Infections. An excellent stone for balancing the emotions, enhancing communication and overcoming challenges. Helps protect against worries.
ANHYDRITE Co-ordination, Concentration, Lungs, Chest
ANTIMONY Intellect, Progress, Colds, Flu, Swellings
APATITE Emotions, Business, Speech, Bones
APOPHYLLITE Tranquility, Honesty, Respiration, Skin
AQUA AURA Influence, Arts, Dexterity, Throat, Healing
AQUAMARINE Insight, Love, Growth, Allergies. Calms the nerves and strengthens the cleansing of the body.
ARAGONITE Energy, Activity, Bones, Digestion
ASTROPHYLLITE Confidence, Insight, Recovery, Reproductive, Intellect
AVENTURINE Development, Judgement, Eyes, Migraine, Tension, Insomnia. Assists the development of mental abilities and also stimulates healthy growth. It is also helpful to competitors to enhance their judgement and calmness during games.
AZURITE Meditation, Spirituality, Suppleness, Liver
BERYL Determination, Stability, Nerves, Stress
BLOODSTONE Kindness, Nature, Blood, Toxins, Depression, Spine. A variety of Jasper, this stone is primarily associated with the bloodstream. It encourages acts of kindness and charity
BLUE JOHN Strength, Renewal, Vigour, health, Well-being
BOWENITE Intelligence, Leisure Head/scalp, Tension
BRAUNITE Stability, Fortitude, Breathing, Chest
BRAZILIANITE Sociability, Relationships, Nerves, Skin
CALCITE Comfort, Inspiration, Cleansing, Bladder, Pancreas, Toxins Provides comfort and consolation for those in emotional crises. It refreshes the system and gives new inspiration when you are a little ‘down’.
CALCITE CLEAR/PINK Calmness, Balance, Stress, Nerves, Pain
CALCITE MANGANO Love Understanding Sickness, Fevers
CARNELIAN Passion, Focus, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cuts Favoured by romantics to enhance sexual energy. It also assists concentration and motivation. Benefits all aspects of the bloodstream.
CASSITERITE Endurance, Contentment, Cuts, Bruises, Menopause
CATS EYE Insight, Security, Headaches, Fingers
CAVANSITE Intuition, Reflection, Protection (disease)
CELESTITE Relaxation, Sympathy, Travel Sickness, Nerves, Stress This tranquil, cool stone exudes soothing energy. Ideal for meditation or just to ‘turn off’ the noise and friction of the world. Enhances emotional protection and good for anyone prone to undue worrying.
CERRUSITE Confidence, Communication, Antivirus, Insomnia, Nerves
CHALCEDONY Stamina, Refinement, Tiredness, Depression, Circulation Agate, Carnelian and Jasper are part of the Chalcedony family and this stone includes qualities from each of these. Therefore an excellent stone to improve and refine the character, opening new horizons in the arts, relationships, family togetherness etc.
CHALCOPYRITE Perception, Restoration, Lungs, Hair
CHAROITE Assertiveness, Inspiration, Nerves, Cramps
CHRYSOCOLLA Awareness Expression Heart, Stomach, Blood. Aids expression and comprehension of concepts and complexities and so well suited to those involved with science and engineering. Also a stone for all aspects of the heart
CHRYSOPRASE Passion, Renewal, Fertility, Ardour, Genital A stone to refresh and add vigour and fire to physical love, particularly for women but also effective for men. (Keep this stone out of direct sunlight to keep colour)
CHRYSOTILE Partnerships, Generosity, Veins, Arteries, Skin, Lungs
CINNABAR Stability, Independence, Appetite, Heart
CITRINE Renewal, Cleansing, Skin, Diabetes, Circulation. The positive influences and vitality of this stone helps with anxieties, depression and stomach tension. It helps those who are mentally ‘lost’ and seek a new purpose and direction. Leaving it under the pillow at night gives pleasant dreams.
COLEMANITE Erudition, Loyalty, Lungs, Muscles
CONICHALCITE Communication, Imagination, Toxins
COPPER Vitality, Purification, Blood, Muscles, Joints Full of vitality and energy, it can amplify the feelings of the wearer. Close to the skin it is reputed to assist arthritis, rheumatism and inflammations.
CORUNDUM Awareness, Confidence, Skin, Eyes
COVELLITE Communication, Renewal, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Tonic
CROCOITE Application, Industry, Sex organs
CUPRITE Awareness, Teaching, Circulation, Bladder
DANBURITE Sociability, Confidence Weight gain, Muscles
DATOLITE Clarity, Concentration, Nerves, Mind
DESERT ROSE Perception, Commerce, Stress, Recuperation
DIAMOND Prosperity, Business, Well-Being, Senses
DIOPSIDE Love, Commitment, Heart, Lungs, Circulation, Trauma
DIOPTASE Meditation, Partnerships, Stress, Headaches
DOLOMITE Optimism, Sports, Limbs, Blood
DRAVITE Attraction, Popularity, Senses, Bloodstream
DUMORTIERITE Patience, Medical Skin, Sickness
EMERALD Intellect, Prosperity, Headaches, Infections
EPIDOTE Relaxation, Sociability, Thyroid, Skin
ERYTHRITE Serenity, Mediation, Infections, Skin
EUDIALITE Management, Recovery, Sex organs, Vitality
FLUORITE Caring, Bones, Teeth, Inflammations, stengthens bone structure and teeth. It closely relates to those engaged in caring, nursing or healing, imparting a placid and restorative quality.
FRANKLINITE Imagination, Security, Eyes, Hair
FULGURITE Leadership, Control, Muscles, Immune system
GALENA Dedication, Medical, Insomnia
GARNET Charm, Creativity, Tonic, Anaemia, Infections, Insomnia Used by travellers as an amulet, particularly for night travel. A stimulus to painting, sculpture, writing and other creative work. It is also worn to attract lovers.
GOETHITE Perseverance, Competing, Nerves
GOLDSTONE Optimism Development Stomach, Tension
GYPSUM Insight, Assurance, Body Tissue, Reproductive
HAEMATITE Activity, Stamina, Tiredness, Travel Stress, Eyes, Blood. Alleviates travel tiredness and stress, particularly for air journeys. It provides extra energy, courage and endurance.
HAWKS EYE Confidence, Intellect, Nerves, Body Tissue
HERDERITE Exploration, Leadership, Passion
HERKIMER DIAMOND Stamina, Learning, Energy, Vigour. A special clear quartz, favoured as a strong stone for opening the mind to new understanding and learning (education etc). Increases the power of other stones. Also for good dreams.
HORNBLENDE Wisdom, Communication, Balance, Toes, Fingers
HOWLITE Resilience, Competing, Bones, Teeth
ICELANDSPAR Awareness, Friendship, Toxins, Bones
ILVAITE Renewal, Patience, Liver, Stomach
IOLITE Control, Management, Chest, Addiction
IRNAMITE Emotions, Judgement, Strains, Muscles
JADE Benevolence, Providence, Kidneys, Bladder, Digestion, Eyes Renowned as a talisman in many countries, it is used as an amulet to ensure safe travel and to protect against risks and negative people. Also attracts friendships, promotes long life and encourages prosperity.
JASPER Attraction, Comfort, Nerves, Biliousness, Blood, Digestion. A soothing stone which is excellent as a long-term help for all areas of general health, energy, emotions and intellect. It works slowly and should be kept as a constant companion. Works well with all other stones.
JASPER FANCY Consolation, Bravery, Heart, Nervousness
JASPER LEOPARDSKIN Safety, Focus, Glands, Eyes
JASPER OCEAN Assurance, Calmness, Toxins, Fevers
JASPER YELLOW Endurance, Protection, Stomach, Liver
KAMMERITE Activity, Flexibility, Genitals, Joints
JET Sympathy, Healing, Migraine, Negativity
KUNZITE Vigour, Emotions, Skin, Heart. Provides protection and support for the emotions. Also helps with the circulation. Hiddenite is a variety.
KYANITE Energy, Finance, Hearing, Dexterity
LABRADORITE Charisma, Relationships, Arguments, Inhibitions, Feet. Remarkable for it’s ice-blue ‘lights’ this stone is now very popular. It brings out the hidden qualities in the personality, making the wearer more attractive to others for friendships and partners. In business, improves rapport with colleagues and customers.
LAPIS LAZULI Mysticism, Spirituality, Bones, Heart, Eyes. Regarded as a ‘heavenly’ stone in ancient times for its apparent unearthly quality. It completely refreshes the spirit and creates a pure, ethical atmosphere. Placed in a room, it can fill the area with its qualities.
LARIMAR Rapport, Mediation, Breathing, Neck
LAVAKITE Learning, Achievement, Brain, Adaptability
LAZULITE Purity, Serenity, Sunburn, Teeth
LEPIDOLITE Restoration, Balance, Nerves, Pessimism, Insomnia A most relaxing stone, bringing new optimism and balance at times of worry and self criticism. Inspires self-love and untroubled sleep.
LEUCITE Clarity, Energy, Nerves, Protection
LODESTONE Communication, Teamwork, Circulation, Glands
MAGNETITE Composure, Learning, Heart
MAGNESITE Enlightenment, Emotions, Fevers, Bones
MALACHITE Optimism, Recovery, Rheumatism, Asthma, Menstrual, Teeth Raises the spirits, clarifies problems and gives fresh optimism. It is also reputed to bring prosperity in business and trade and helps to ‘turn things round’ when all is not well.
MOLDAVITE Sensitivity, Insight, Hair, Fertility, Renewal
MOOKAITE Responsibility, Machinery, Stable Health
MOONSTONE Femininity, Devotion, Dieting, Swellings, PMT. A symbol of female power, the stone attracts lovers and romance, promotes fidelity in a partner and emphasises female attributes. It enhances beauty and bestows a long and healthy life.
MORGANITE Intellect, Commerce, Hearing, Vertigo
MOSS AGATE Identity, Meditation, Lungs, Glands
MOTHER OF PEARL Providence, Modelling, Skin, Emotions
MTOROLITE Serenity, Capability, Nerves, Backache
MUSCOVITE Inspiration, Speech, Muscles, Energy
OAKSTONE Endurance, Stability, Muscles
OBSIDIAN Achievement, Perception, Stomach, Digestion, Stress A stone of achievement for those working to a goal in their life. It creates positive influences to overcome problems. and provides inner tranquility to ease stress symptoms. An excellent general healer.
OLIVINE see Peridot
ONYX Harmony, Spirituality, Hearing, Ulcers, Heart Intensifying devotion and contemplation, it was used in rosaries. A ‘get away from it all’ stone which allows peace of mind and pleasant reflection. It associates with music, benefiting both composers and listeners.
OPAL Attraction, Theatre, Chest, Creativity
OPALITE Invention, Management, Fatigue
PAUA SHELL Versatility, Humour, Tension, Depression
PEACOCK ORE (Bornite) Charm, Entertainment, Eyes, Brain
PEARL Assurance, Painting, Tonic, Headaches, Tension
PERIDOT General, Career, Whole body, Metabolism. Great for clearing past bad experiences.
PHENACITE Intellect, Insight, Stomach, Limbs
PREHNITE Confidence, Business, Mental Energy, Slimming
PURPURITE Leadership, Prosperity, Finances, Wounds
PYRITES Awareness, Honesty Vitality, Recuperation
QUARTZ, CLEAR Purification, Refinement, General, Vertigo, Dizziness. Perhaps the most popular of all stones, it is used by healers for all purposes. It purifies the air and the body, cleansing the system and clearing the mind. Favoured by mystics throughout the centuries.
QUARTZ, ROSE Love, Forgiveness, Migraine, Headache, Wounds The stone of peace and goodwill. It is closely associated with Venus, giving joy and happiness in friendship and love. The wearer also ‘feels good’ and radiates forgiveness and rapport.
QUARTZ, RUTILATED Passion, Contact, Anxiety
QUARTZ, SMOKY Vitality, Fortune, Depression, Abdomen, Spine Often a good luck talisman for competitors, protecting and encouraging. It provides energy and fortitude and gives new heart to those in difficulty. A stone to re-awaken the dormant ‘inner you’.
QUARTZ, SNOW Relaxation, Serenity, Stress, Nerves,Therapy A very ‘soft’ stone, exuding tranquility and quietness. For those seeking a calm serenity. It is ideal for meditation and its mellow nature inspires spiritual and devotional qualities. Also called Milky Quartz.
RHODOCHROSITE Friendship, Love, Insecurity, Eyes, Solitude A really comforting stone restoring self belief, attracting new love, enhancing trust and loyalty between partners and also assisting the career by self development. Protects against worries.
RHODONITE Communication, Restoration, Recuperation, Hearing, Amnesia Helps recuperation after a misfortune, rebuilding and restoring. It also assists communication of the written and spoken word and is suited to those involved in the areas of language and the media.
RHODOLITE Stability, Resolution, Digestion, Glands
RHYOLITE Stamina, Marketing, Chills, Skin
RICHTERITE Fortitude, Relaxation, Circulation, Glands
RUBY Contentment, Fortune, Circulation, Fevers
SAPPHIRE Love, Partnership, Sleep, Depression
SARDONYX Forgiveness, Care, Neck, Hearing
SATINSPAR (Selenite) Insight, Calm, Disputes, Anger, Spine Ideal for a family or meeting area giving a tranquil feel to the location to minimise aggression and impart cordiality. When worn or carried by a person the stone helps in all physical activities.
SCAPOLITE Achievement, Strength, Athleticism, Veins
SCHALENBLENDE Fortune, Identity, Muscles, Eyes
SCHEELITE Awareness, Relationships, Colds, Recovery
SCHORL Practicality, Balance, Liver, Intestines
SEFTONITE Relationships, Learning, Circulation
SERAPHINITE Intuition, Kindness, Higher energies
SERPENTINE Meditation, Enlightenment, Stomach, PMT
SKUTTERUDITE Contact, Psychic, Limbs
SMITHSONITE Consideration, Harmony, Vitality, Digestion
SOAPSTONE Loyalty, Cultivation, Back
SODALITE Meditation, Assertion, Blood Pressure, Sleep, Chest. Gives confidence to those who are shy or introvert, allowing assurance and free expression when with others. It is therefore particularly suited to teachers, actors and performers. Also a meditation stone. Can be used on computers and TVs to absorb emissions.
SPESSARTINE Renewal, Confidence, Vitamin deficiencies
SPHALERITE Integrity, Career, Nerves, Eyes
STAUROLITE Focus, Personality, Spine, Whole Body, Forgetfulness Sometimes known as ‘Fairy Cross’ it represents the four elements, ‘bringing everything together’. It gives a focus and understanding to life and nature, thus helping in education and related areas.
STEATITE Adventure, Communication, Digestion, Tendons
SUGILITE Inspiration, Co-ordination, Headaches, Inflammations, Toxins. Frequently used by healers to draw out pain and make aggressive feelings subside. Brings peace of mind and new spirit allowing inspired thoughts and actions.
SULPHUR Intellect, Protection, Skin, Digestion, Arthritis, Rheumatism
SUNSTONE Insight, Travel, Eyes, Depression
TANZANITE Vitality, Athletics, Bones, Worries
THULITE Dexterity, Meditation, Hands, Tendons, Concentration. Brings the mind and body together clear the mind and enhance dexterity and speed of movement. Good for craftspeople, artists and anyone involved in detailed work.
TIGERS EYE Insight, Integrity, Hypochondria, Asthma, Limbs The changing hues of this stone indicate its quality of insight, to look beneath the surface and reveal the truth. It is allied to good fortune and bravery and used as a talisman to overcome deceit and duplicity.
TITANITE Calmness, Judgement, Mouth, Gums
TOPAZ Assurance, Legal, Infections, Appetite
TOURMALINE Confidence, Success, General Healing, Good Fortune
TURQUENITE Industry, Business, Skin
TURQUOISE Environment, Comfort, Respiration, Recuperation, Throat. This stone expands friendships and protects the domestic environment. It is also favoured for its recuperative power. Left in a room, it can purify the atmosphere and spread tranquillity and comfort.
ULEXITE Contentment, Industry, Teeth, Worries
UNAKITE Stability, Enhancement, Muscles, Back-Ache, Feet Gives strength and stability, both physical and mental for those times when everything gets ‘too much’ and a firm base is needed. A foundation stone which can enhance the effect of other stones kept with it.
VANADINITE Sociability, Friendship, Lungs, Stomach
VARISCITE Meditation, Writing, Growth, Digestion
VERDITE Friendship, Partnerships, Nerves
VESUVIANITE Intuition, Partnership, Dieting, Depression
VIOLAN Insight, Vitality, Muscles, Genitals
WAVELLITE Control, Management, Inner self
WILLIAMSITE Tranquility, Candour, Lungs, inflammations
WOLLASTONITE Moderation, Grounding, Bones, Glands
WULFENITE Relationships, Invigoration, Female reproductive, digestion
ZEOLITE Independence, Clarity, Addictions, Toxins
ZIRCON Clarity, Teaching, Insomnia, PMT
ZOISITE Attraction, Entertainment, Fingers, Fertility
Zodiac Stones
ARIES MAR 21 - APR 20 = Citrine Agate Aventurine Bloodstone Jade
TAURUS APR 21 - MAY 21 = Jasper Bloodstone Carnelian Jade Satinspar
GEMINI MAY 22 - JUN 21 = Aventurine Unakite Agate Citrine Apatite
CANCER JUN 22 - JUL 22 = Chalcedony Haematite Sodalite Moonstone Carnelian
LEO JUL 23 - AUG 23 = Labradorite Amazonite Carnelian Jasper Bloodstone
VIRGO AUG 24 - SEP 22 = Amethyst Jade Amazonite Carnelian Jasper
LIBRA SEP 23 - OCT 23 = Moonstone Chrysoprase Amethyst Bluelace Agate Sodalite
SCORPIO OCT 24 - NOV 22 = Tigers Eye Amethyst Jasper Unakite Moonstone
SAGITTARIUS NOV 23 - DEC 21 = Sodalite Obsidian Smokey Quartz Chalcedony Aventurine
CAPRICORN DEC 22 - JAN 20 = Smokey Quartz Opalite Amethyst Aragonite Tigers Eye
AQUARIUS JAN 21 - FEB 18 = Rhodonite Rhyolite Garnet Amethyst Aventurine
PISCES FEB 19 - MAR 20 = Turquoise Bluelace Agate Calcite Carnelian Amethyst
A channeled message from
Through Natalie
A crystal is a gift from the Creator to light beings that live on the planet earth. The mineral kingdom from which crystals are born into has a strong connection with the beings on earth. Like our being, they have a soul and an aura which they radiate out to help mankind. The mineral kingdom is so closely connected with our kingdom that they allow us to use their energies for our own benefits.
A crystal key skill is amplification; to enlarge a thought, feeling or picture several times, giving it the strength to manifest into our reality. Healing, love and light are all energies that a crystal enjoys to amplify.
It is time that we accept the gift that has been given to us by the Creator and use, experience and love these amazing souls of the mineral kingdom.
Several eons ago light beings were working with crystals in there every day lives. The crystals help them to heal their physical and spiritual bodies as well as creating everything that they desired in their lives. The people of this time created tools and machines using the crystals to support and strengthen their energies, allowing their work to become very accurate and precise.
These beings and inventors are now bringing their energy to the planet, they wish to share with the current light beings on earth the knowledge and wisdom that they gained. These tools of self-healing and amplification are now appearing on the planet so that the light beings can use them to aid their spiritual growth and ascend to the next level of consciousness. This is the goal of every being that lives on earth and you have been given the equipment from the mineral kingdom and the Atlantean inventors to assist you on your spiritual journey.
Feel the beauty of crystals and experience their immense power, we honour and respect their souls for they do such a marvelous job in assisting the wise beings that are manifested in physical bodies on the planet earth.
There is plenty of knowledge that we have to share with you so we are always at your call, ready to answer your questions.
Our love is always yours,
Copyright 2004 by Natalie Glasson
used by permission